Thursday, February 16, 2012

First Day Complete

Good morning everyone! So it is the start of my second day at my new home. We arrived Wednesday night with the help of my parents and their truck. As we walked into our new room, my first thought was how are we going to fit in here?! So kindly, I think they assumed being a married couple meant we wanted to sleep right next to each other. Au contraire, sleeping near each other is just fine. I am known for the occasional middle of the night, arm throw or leg kick. So with a quick bim, bam, boom, yeah, we moved the beds around and voila we have the cutest little room you could imagine. Complete with photos, altar, bell, and cute sheets.

The food is amazing. Hearty vegetarian fare. Everyone is super nice. We arrived just in time for the practice period. About 25 people signed up for two months of extended study and meditation. They started the period with a whole day of zazen! Tangaryo. Brave, brave buddhists. This morning was the official start of the practice period and to honor the opening we walked together to every altar at green gulch in the beautiful crisp morning, crescent moon and all, to bow. It was really amazing.

I continue to work in the garden today! Yesterday I cut flowers and arranged them for various altars. Then I weeded in the warm sun for three hours or so. Things I learned: when arranging flowers, groups of 3 and 5 are more aesthetically pleasing than 2 and 4; edible flowers are not so hip as they once were; and apple trees tend to strongly produce for about 30 years then are ready to rest.

Final thought, I miss everyone. Starting in a new place is always strange for me. Exhilarating, lonely, and magical.

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